Top 12 things you need to do to reignite your career in 2021
January 1, 2021
Time away from work over Christmas and New Year often gives us pause for thought. It gives you headspace to consider progress made, hurdles overcome and all the wins (and fails) that have made your year complete. It’s also time to set your sights firmly on goals for the year ahead. If 2021 is going to be better than 2020 - and we sincerely hope it is! - then you need to actively consider what you can do to get there.
Complete your registration with 2to3days
Your 2to3days candidate profile needs to be completed before you can apply for jobs. It’s not too daunting and once you’ve done it, applying for the brilliant roles on our site will be a breeze. Open up the world of possibilities. If you aren’t ready to complete it yet, read through the following pointers - they will help you work out exactly what to write. Complete your 2to3days candidate profile here and be sure to set-up email alerts in profile; you’ll be first to hear of new vacancies hitting our site.
Rediscover your values
Define your top five values. These are the five drivers that motivate you in life. It can help to plot these out on a spider diagram and talk it through with a friend. Please note, these may well have evolved for you as your life has changed. By identifying your current values at the outset of your job search, you’ll find it easier to find and apply for jobs that will truly give you satisfaction, rather than taking a time-consuming scattergun approach.
Rewrite your elevator pitch
Create a career statement that fits you now. This framework will help: ‘this is what I have achieved, this is what I want to do next, and these are the skills, experience, contacts and networks I have that will help me get there.’
Invest in a professional CV and LinkedIn profile
Sign up for our CV and Linkedin profile writing service. If you don’t market yourself effectively, you won’t bag that longed-for job. Most corporate roles are recruited using Applicant Tracking Systems, which means a computer effectively scans your CV before a human being even lays eyes on it. Our CV service helps you get past this by using the keywords the ATS will be looking for. We add the professional human touch too, ensuring you are confidently positioned as an excellent candidate. Consider the opportunity cost of not pursuing your dream role or achieving the precise work-life integration you need.
Write a brilliant cover letter
Research how to write a covering letter that will knock your competition out of the water! If you can’t express yourself well enough to sell your ‘product’ to the hiring manager in a covering letter, it is doubtful that they will get as far as reading your CV. All your incredible experience will be lost on them. As part of our CV service, we also offer a covering letter writing option.
Commit to a goal
Write down your goal on a piece of paper and pin it up somewhere you’ll see it regularly. It’s hard to deny something written in pen! Adopt a growth mindset by taking the view that your goal is achievable if you set your mind to it and ask for help along the way. Consider what effect it would have on your life if you reached it?
Set yourself deadlines
Break this goal down into actions with deadlines. What are the moves you’ll need to take, or people you need to meet in order to get there? Tick them off as you go.
Update your skills
Identify skills you are lacking and pick one to improve upon. Perhaps there is a computer programme that you’ve taught yourself how to use, but know your understanding could be better? Find a webinar or online course to follow and fix that. It’s too easy to struggle along and not take the time to improve proactively. You’ll thank yourself for it in the long run.
Give yourself a performance management review
If your role doesn’t set KPIs or performance reviews (or they’ve been put on hold due to Covid) put yourself through one. This might sound like the last thing you want to do, but in fact you’ll be reminded of all the things you’ve achieved and accomplished this year. This will put you in a positive frame of mind when applying for new roles and give you real data and experience to back up your claims, so you can nail that interview.
Find a mentor to help guide you
Be prepared and go to them with key questions and discussion points to make the most of your precious time with them. They will help you explore your thoughts and options.
Get a coach
If you are struggling with all this, consider investing in career coaching. It will clarify your values and goals and help you recognise the skills and experience you can bring to your next role. A coach won’t give you all the answers, but they will help you to understand your next steps.
Pay it forward
And finally… actively support others in your network. Not only will you be helping others, you’ll be nurturing your groups and networks along the way.
Good luck!